We are business advisors with an approach rooted in purpose, backed by deep intelligence, facts, figures and commercial acumen.

We build emotional connections between businesses and their people, ultimately leading to measureable success.

We believe that you can choose your constant in business. Change seems to be the default choice for many. Purpose, the ultimate unifying factor is the often missed and overlooked constant that can drive your business forward.

You can unlock your true business potential by defining your purpose, aligning your people and developing strategy that is underpinned by this human truth.

We know how powerful and effective purpose-led and driven companies can be. We’ve seen first-hand that knowing where your business is going, although vitally important, simply isn’t enough.

WHY you’re going somewhere is the critical magic ingredient.

I found working with the brains trust at Limbik insightful, creative, highly intelligent and resourceful. I would recommend Limbik to any entity that is serious about their business, and wanting to create a unique brand presence, that not only sets such business apart from the competitors, but as importantly resonates and gels with the values and legacy of such business.- David Jacobsen, CEO DG